Monday, October 20, 2008

Tuesday Night, Oct. 21

Here's the plan for the Tuesday night workout, courtesy of Linda Jones:

Here's our speed workout routine for Tuesday. Start out time is 5:40p.m. We'll turn left from the shelter and run down to MacArthur Blvd. Cross MacArthur and wait for the group to queue back up. Then we'll do speed work/negative splits on the loop across from the park.

For the first run, run three minutes and turn around and run back to the starting point at MacArthur. For the negative split try to get back from the turnaround point in less than three minutes. Rest for a minute or two and then we'll do a five minute run each way, returning back to the starting point at MacArthur. After another rest, we'll do a third negative split for seven minutes in each direction. This will give you a total of 30 minutes of speed work.

Finish the run with a cool down running back to the shelter--take the long or short route depending on how much time you want to run!


Anonymous said...

This is for THURSDAY - -

I have a fundraiser to go to on Thursday night (just found out). It starts at 5:30, but I can be a little late. I can still drop off the water cooler and cups, but taking them back after the workout would be difficult. Can someone do this????


Mary L. Rogers said...

Kevin - did you get my message? I sent it, but sometimes doesn't like email (mine doesn't at DOC)

I'll be there Thursday - and I have another cooler/cups.

Okie dokie?